Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Answer the question from marketing point of view Essay

Answer the question from marketing point of view - Essay Example Faulty marketing strategy is what many consider as the core reason for its failure to draw the amount of customer it had targeted in the beginning. In such a situation the prowess of Apple's marketing strategy and the success of iPhone in getting a quantum hold over the market come into question. In marketing point of view, it can be conjectured that perhaps, Apple's strategy for iPhone in Europe and Asia has not been able to accomplish what it was supposed to. In my following statement I will discuss the merits and demerits of Apple's marketing strategy, where did they go wrong Their approach towards targeting Asian and European market is also a matter of concern now. The entire wireless industry awaited the advent of iPhone in the market. There was an unrestrained buzz concerning its grand arrival. Since Apple's iPhone is among the few other internet-connected multimedia phones it generated umpteen interests among the mobile users all over the world. One of the major reasons for such a craze about iPhone is its trendy, sleek and modish look. Adding to the outer appeal of the iPhone these smart phones are endowed with advanced features like 3rd generation wireless networking. Apple's iPhone has also been able get the attention of the gizmo geeks who are tempted by its ultra-modern features which include portable media player and visual voicemail. Those who love to flaunt advanced mobiles are easily attracted towards its multi-touch screen and a minimum hardware interface. Besides having an in-built memory of 8 GB the iPhones also have a large screen of 3.5 inches and a striking display. The mobile users and the lovers of modern gadgets were more inclined towards iPhones owing to their endless features that were not available in other mobile phones. There is no denial of the fact that Apple's iPhones were richly added with most advanced features and most of the mobile users were eagerly waiting for its advent. To many, iPhone is a wonderful innovation which offers internet services like, web browsing, and local Wi-Fi connectivity. People started to think of it's a wonder machine which is a major achievement by Apple Inc in revolutionizing wireless industry. Delicate look of the iPhones and their intelligent features combine to make them irresistible among the mobile phone users. Their craze is perhaps much because of the prospect of owning something stylish rather than the interest of using a complicated gadget. Merits and demerits of the strategies adopted by Apple in launching iPhone: The craze for Apple's iPhones is attributable to the excellent marketing strategies adopted by the company. It can also be inferred that since Apple Inc emphasizes on the significance of innovation people all over the world expected to see something unseen and use something which was not known before. The USP of the product was undoubtedly its unique features and endless number of convenient services within that smart phone. It is also to be accepted that the marketing team of Apple strove hard to market their product in a most plausible way. Apple Inc was prudent enough to adopt Price Skimming method in the initial stages of its marketing. This is a marketing strategy in which Apple deliberately overpriced its products without bringing it down. Its tactics has helped

Monday, February 10, 2020

Analyze the Stage 3-4 transition from the perspective of Kohlberg's Essay

Analyze the Stage 3-4 transition from the perspective of Kohlberg's and Gilligan's alternative perspectives - Essay Example When one is in this stage of moral development one learns to make deals, such as when one breaks the rules, one makes a deal with the rule keeper. This stage is a more important step in moral development than the previous stage. During this stage one learns about lying, and the affects of lying, and rule breaking. One learns that just because something seems wrong, does not necessarily make it wrong. During the third stage of moral development one will learn how to be considerate, and how to assist someone when someone is in need. During this stage of moral development one should not necessarily assist someone for gratification. More that someone should receive gratification in the mere act of assisting someone else who was in need. During this stage of moral development one learns how to be considerate of someone else’s feelings, and how to respect each other, and how to live, and work with one another. This stage of moral development is important, because if one does not lea rn to respect each other, and how to work, and live near one another, one cannot possibly have accomplished the first two stages of moral development. ... When one develops social cohesion, one develops more of a sense of being. This person is much better off than someone who has only developed the first three stages of moral development. Kohlberg thinks that if one does not develop social cohesion then one is only mindful, respectful, and considerate of only those in one’s clique. During the fifth stage of moral development on develops a sense of one’s social obligations, and individual rights. During this stage of moral development one learns what one need to do, what one’s place in society is. Everyone has a place in society, and everyone has obligations to make of society. Society expects certain things of certain people, and if one does not oblige by what society expects of them, one is considered to be abnormal. Abnormal citizens are considered to be amoral-citizen. Someone who acts only the way one expects one should act, and does not do as society expects one is considered amoral, to do only what one wants to do, not what is best to do. This may be the best for the person making this decision, however, it is not necessarily right for society. Gilligan challenged Kohlberg’s philosophies that stage four of moral development was not the most imperative stage of moral development. Gilligan used an all female sample, and conducted qualitative research on what women’s views were on abortion. Gilligan analyzed the qualitative research on abortion, and applied it to the four stages of moral development, developed by Kohlberg. In applying the five stages of Kohlberg’s moral development, Gilligan decided that stage four was not better than stage three in Kohlberg’s moral development stages. Gilligan’s research could not develop a clearer understanding of