Sunday, December 29, 2019

Goal Setting for Academic Success - 2510 Words

29 November 2010 Goal Setting for Academic Success Goals are like road maps; they get a person from one point to another. Goals provide the direction one needs to reach a destination. The best way to get results is to plan for the future, but live one day at a time. Think about the future; how does one define success? What makes one happy? What drives a person? What makes a person get out of bed in the morning? Does success mean family, money, security, helping others, improving the environment, solving problems, a career, or a degree? Whatever a student decides, the key to academic success is to strengthen one’s will to succeed and to do this one must set academic goals. The†¦show more content†¦By conditioning, the student will be able to follow this map created as if life depends on it because in a way it does. This is the student’s future and they should take it very seriously (Carter et al. 100). Putting academic strategies into action is to achieve a desi red goal. Prepare daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly; action plans are your set of directions to achieve academic goals. Things to remember to include in a plan of action is time management, which would include how much time is spent studying everyday; where the student will study, who the student will study with, and how the student will avoid distractions. Keeping assignments and important dates organized in a planner is very important. The student will then be able to refer to it on a daily. A student must also take into consideration negativity and how to avoid it, assuring that the short term goals are being met successfully. The student should be encouraged even if they don’t succeed at first to try again. The student may struggle at first deciding and committing to academic goals, but that doesn’t mean they can’t go back and revise academic plans. It’s important to note that in the beginning of the post secondary experience; academically the studen t should start out simple but be concise. If the student is undecided on a major but still has to find classes to take, conquering the generalShow MoreRelatedContinuing Academic Success1112 Words   |  5 PagesContinuing Academic Success Continuing Academic Success is extremely important to those who plan to make advancements in their chosen career fields. It provides the opportunity to keep current with ideas, techniques, and advancements that are being made in their area of employment. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams Essay - 1211 Words

Albert Einstein, a man of great wit and intellect is quoted as saying, â€Å"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one†. Could he mean that the concept of reality is nothing more than an imagined arena with society and our place in it being figments of our own design? Regardless of reality’s genesis or authenticity it is indeed persistent and inescapable. In his play, The Glass Menagerie, Tennessee Williams explores this notion of reality as a painful encroachment that all humans counteract with concocted fantasies and a willingness to exist in an illusionary state. While all of William’s characters exist in their individual realms of illusion, one stands out as the most harmful and pitiful of all. Amanda, the literal mother of the dysfunctional family in the play, is also the figurative â€Å"mother† of illusionary living. Through Amanda, Williams explores the tragic character flaws and damage to the familiar unit that abound when a pare nt’s illusions replace their reality. The character of Amanda is tragically flawed with blatant arrogance, and Williams uses this fault to serve a dual purpose. To escape her un pleasant circumstances, Amanda frequently boasts of her popularity and beauty as a young girl to her homely and terribly unpopular daughter. Haughtily Amanda describes in great length how desirable she was, how pretty she was, and how smart and charming she was. Initially this boasting appears to relive her former glory and avoid the harsh reality of presentShow MoreRelatedThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams985 Words   |  4 Pageshardly catch it going. ¨ This quote by the author of The Glass Menagerie, Tennessee Williams, describes both The Glass Menagerie, a memory play, and the life of Tennessee Williams himself, for whom memories played a large role in his life. Within the play, many parallels can be drawn between the life of Williams and the life of Tom, the main character, such as a disdain for factory work. In addition, several c haracters in The Glass Menagerie have a difficult time fitting into the roles that theirRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams Essay940 Words   |  4 PagesTennessee Williams was a renowned Pulitzer Prize-winning playwriter for his numerous plays throughout his career. One of such plays is The Glass Menagerie. After perfecting his play for many years, The Glass Menagerie was first introduced to Broadway on March 31, 1945. As a young writer, Williams lived vicariously through his plays. Throughout this play in particular, there are several allegories that pertain to Williams life. Although Williams had a relatively happy childhood, his life changedRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams986 Words   |  4 PagesTennessee Williams’s The Glass Menagerie, is a classic drama about a young man who is tired of his dull and boring existence. Tom, the main character, struggles to deal with his family, who is apparently holding him back in life. With the use o f powerful writing techniques, Williams is able to captivate his audience and create a play that has stood the test of time. An excellent writing technique employed by Williams that contributes to The Glass Menagerie’s success is his use of plot. ThroughoutRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams932 Words   |  4 Pages THE GLASS MENAGERIE Name Instructor Institution Course Date The Glass Menagerie Tennessee Williams, the author in the play †The Glass Menagerie† that is based on his life that presents characters that, as caught animals in an cage, live in woeful states and just wish to unravel themselves from this state (Fisher, 2010). The primary clash in the story emerges through their longing to encounter a different world, but their condition opens them to life s unforgiving realities. LifeRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams1249 Words   |  5 Pagesthe outside world The Glass Menagerie is very interesting because William s play relates to alot of people and their situations, people can learn alot from it alot whether they connect to Amanda and her past or to Laura and her lack of confidence and being in a world of her own or to Tom and his internal conflict about abandoning his family or staying with them. Laura s life is all about her glass menageries what happens when her glass unicorn breaks? What happens when a gentlemanRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams1619 Words   |  7 PagesIsolation is prevalent in â€Å"The Glass Menagerie† by Tennessee Williams. This is presented in symbols such as blue roses and the glass unicorn, for they are imagined objects and only existent in another fantasy world. Williams incorporates such arcane symbols to draw out his characters, Amanda, Laura, and Tom, and how they cope with confinement. Most importantly, the symbols of the play represent how isolation debilita tes them psychologically in an attempt to connect with reality. The jonquils representRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee William1014 Words   |  5 PagesIn the play â€Å"The Glass Menagerie† of Tennessee William, he wrote a drama play to emphasize readers about the life is at a standstill the Wingfield family. Through of the Wingfield family, he uses many symbols which represent many things, but the important main symbolization is fire escape that shows three main characters; Tom Wingfield, his fire escape is the way out of Amanda and Laura. Amanda Wingfield, hope gentlemen callers to enter their lives, and Laura Wingfield, who wants in her own worldRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams1534 Words   |  7 PagesThe Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams Tennessee Williams, born Thomas Lanier Williams, wrote The Glass Menagerie, a play which premiered in Chicago in 1944. This award winning play, autobiographical in nature, represented a time in which Williams felt the obligation of his responsibilities in regards to the care of his family. Robert DiYanni, Adjunct Professor of Humanities at New York University, rated it as, â€Å"One of his best-loved plays...a portrayal of loneliness among characters who confuseRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams Essay876 Words   |  4 PagesIn Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie, there is a collection of glass animal figurines that belong to Laura. Laura uses those figurines to escape her reality. The â€Å"glass menagerie† is also a metaphor because all of the characters have a metaphorical glass menagerie that they use to escape their reality. Tom escapes his reality by going to the movies, drinking, and writing poetry. Tom says, â€Å"I go to the movies because – I like adventure†¦ something I don’t have much of at work† (Williams 33)Read MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams867 Words   |  4 Pagesdraw the line between getting what you want and doing what you are obligated to do? In The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, the main characters are torn between fulfilling their desires and aligning with their role in society. On the surface, Amanda Wingfield plays the role of a caring mother that would do anything in her children’s best interest. However, according to the play, â€Å"The Glass Menagerie†, you should never be fooled by the â€Å"Illusion of the truth.† She indeed values her children’s

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Comparative Study Different Cryptographic â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Comparative Study Different Cryptographic? Answer: Introducation WiMax is an emerging wireless broadband technology established on IEEE 802.16 standard that serves both fixed and mobile networks as an alternative for cable and DSL (Alzaabi, Ranjeeth, Alukaidey, Dr Salman, 2013). WiMAX technology infrastructure is usually set up with base stations mounted by service providers to install the technology; and receivers, mounted by clients to receive wireless signals. Like any other wireless operations, WiMAX encrypts data transmission by deploying several encryption standards including triple 3DES, an improvement of Data Encryption Standard (DES), Rivest Shamir Adlemen (RSA) and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). RSA was developed in 1977, 3DES in 1978 while AES was developed in 2000. RSA is a public key algorithm because it uses two keys pairs to encrypt and decrypt the message hence it uses an asymmetric block cipher. Both 3DES and AES use symmetric block cipher. In terms of power consumption, RSA consumes a lot of power while AES and 3DES are low on power consumption. AES is more secure, followed by 3DES and RSA has low security. Table1 below summarizes the differences and some similarities between the three encryption algorithms (Verma, Guha, Mishra, 2016). Encryption Standard Developed by Block size Key Size Cipher type No. of rounds Speed Security RSA Rivest, Shamir and Adlemen in 1977. 512bits 1024bits Asymmetric block 0 Slow Least secure 3DES IBM in 1978 64bits 56, 112, 168 bits Symmetric block 48 Moderate More secure than DES because it performs the DES algorithm 3X AES NIST in 2000 128bits 128, 192, 256bits Symmetric block 10,12,14 Fast Most Secure WPAN Technologies WPAN technologies are personal area networks that connect computing devices near each other for example in a room without cable. There are various WPAN advances such as Bluetooth and Z-wave technologies. Z Wave WPAN Z-Wave was released in 2004 and is awirelesstransmission standard used mainly forhome devices automation. It uses a mesh topology network and to transmits data from one device to another using low-energy radio waves. It can be applied in security systems, lighting control systems, thermostats, locks, windows, and garage door openers. Z- Wave is simpler and cheaper to install compared to ZigBee (SmartHome, 2017). Security Issues The most pressing challenge for computing networks is maintain data and information security. According to (ABR, 2017) Z-Wave can security problems including the following Radio waves jamming. Since it is a wireless standard, signals can suffer a jamming attack such as interference and blocking. When radio jamming happens, data transmission cannot occur for the devices in the network making it inefficient. Platform security weakness. Z-Wave is still an emerging technology, its security are therefore in development. Device hacking. Since Z-Wave supports the Internet of Things technology that aims to interconnect objects together, it is prone to hacker device attacks. Internet of Things is also a developing technology. Bluetooth WPAN Bluetoothis awirelessstandard used to create both mobile and fixed personal area networks between devices in short range distances using radio waves. Security issues Like other wireless communications, Bluetooth is vulnerable to network attacks including the following(SansInsitute, 2003) It is very easy for attackers to personify and eavesdrop on communication in a Bluetooth setup. The technology uses devices that have little security features and do not have enhanced authentication security features and can therefore provide easy intrusion to the network. Person in the middle attack. Since it uses a hopping mechanism, it is easy to intercept data communication in a Bluetooth network setup. Denial of service attack. Bluetooth networks signals are prone to radio signals denial of service attack making them inefficient. Energy harvesting: A reflection To lay ground on energy harvesting critical reflection according to the two papers, I would like to first introduce the concept of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). WSNs are wireless networks comprising of spatially dispersed independent devices using sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions. They are applied in health monitoring, area monitoring, natural disaster prevention, forest fire detections, resource monitoring, home devices automation and more. The most important thing in a WSN is energy for the nodes in the network. They need constant energy to be able to perform their functions. To achieve this, energy harvesting is important. It is the concept of obtaining thermal, kinetic, wind, solar energy for WSN devices. Looking at some of the recent advances in technology such as the Internet of Things, energy harvesting will increasingly develop in future. It is therefore important to perform energy harvesting in order to sustain WSNs. Both authors agree on the fact that WSNs network need to be constantly supplied with energy for efficiency and continued operation. For instance, a WSN that has been set up in the middle of a forest to detect a forest fire would be of no help if the nodes are depleted on battery power. It is important to measure the required energy levels of a WSN before seeking to harvest the energy for its use. Ambient energy resources may not be enough to provide the needed energy and external sources may be called for. Energy harvesting will be very crucial for the development and sustainability of wireless communication standards in future. It is thus important to evaluate energy sources and implement procedure to facilitate the developments. Technology is increasingly changing and enhancing our lives. Energy harvesting is an emerging technology that will improve wireless communication standards especially WSNs. It will enable their efficiency and sustainability, as well as help conserve other energy resources. Digital Cellular Handsets A digital cellular handset is a mobile device that can receive both audio and digital data, process it and transmit it in form of radio waves (TechTarget, 2017). Benefits of using cellular handsets for Telestra Cellular handsets have become very popular in use for organizations because of great features such as portability and Internet access. Cellular handsets are more convenient to use than notebook computers because they provide hands-free options such as headsets, Bluetooth enabled, can use extra batteries, and portable charging devices. Small cellular handsets also features including text messaging capabilities unlike notebooks, have a call sim cards, GPS positioning, digital camera and more. For Telestra, suing digital cellular handsets will provide the following benefits Business productivity. Using cellular phones to work will improve business processes and therefore overall business productivity. Improved customer experience. Since technicians will be able to access company system in the field, they will be able to provide customers with better updated responses hence enhancing customer experience Quick system updates. Technicians will be able to update company data in the field as they work which will ensure the company is working with updated information Less errors. Instant work updates will lessen the errors brought about by using pen and paper technology and improve business policies References ABR. (2017, September 20). Introduction to the Z-Wave Security Ecosystem. Management from sigma designs: Alzaabi, M., Ranjeeth, K., Alukaidey, T., Dr Salman, K. (2013). SECURITY ALGORITHMS FOR WIMAX. International Journal of Network Security Its Applications (IJNSA), 31-32. SansInsitute. (2003, September 20). Bluetooth And Its Inherent Security Issues. Retrieved from SmartHome. (2017, August 20). What is Z-Wave? Retrieved from smart home: TechTarget. (2017, September 21). cellular telephone (mobile telephone). Retrieved from Marketing : Verma, A., Guha, P., Mishra, S. (2016). Comparative Study of Different Cryptographic. International Journal of Emerging Trends Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS), 58-60.